Check out her blog at t w i r l ministries.
My Life as an “Out of Control” Mom
by: Kelly Seelow
{ insert Steve Tyrell’s “Give Me the Simple Life” here as background music }
It was going to be perfect. I could see it. An adorable baby bump followed by years of snuggling, frolicking, and fun.
{ okay now insert a loud screeching sound of reality hitting }
After gaining 70 uncomfortable and forever figure changing pounds, I gave birth to a 10 lb baby boy.
Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my boy but what was up him sleeping only an hour or two at a crack? Where was the 10 hours of solid sleep I was used to and needed now more than ever??
Okay, now fast forward 10 months. I was lovin’ my baby who was sleeping through the night, taking 2 naps a day, wasn’t walking or talking, life was good. I felt in control and content.
Now enter a positive pregnancy test…a very unexpected positive pregnancy test.
9 months and a very painful labor experience later, a baby girl.
So now I have a newborn and a 1 ½ year old. This was not in my plans. I loved my kids but my life was crazy and hard and most importantly to me, not going the way I wanted it to.
Today I have a 2 & 3 ½ year old. They are beautiful, healthy, active, smart, crazy, funny, strong willed, independent, trouble making, back talking little stinkers who I couldn’t love with anymore of me.
We have good days, we have bad days, we have really bad days. My biggest problem is that they will not listen to and obey me. I just don’t get it. It’s an easy concept, just-do-what-i-say. Nope.
I guess you could say that I just plain can’t control them. This doesn’t sit well with the mother who makes lists, has a detailed calendar, is an organizer, a planner of everything. I had it all planned out. MY kids were going to behave, have manners, be sweet, listen to everything I said, clean up after themselves, and if they didn’t, I would spank and time-out them until they did. After all, I was the PERFECT mother…until I actually had kids.
God has taught me more about myself and more about His character through allowing me to have children then any other time in my life thus far. I have learned that I am not in control and any control I thought I had was an illusion. I have learned that not only will I never be a perfect mother and have perfect kids, but that it is OKAY to be crazy, messy, and real.
I have learned that you just can’t control your children no matter how much you may want to. Now I am not saying that you can’t discipline them, steer them, teach them and instill morals in them. That is our job as parents. What I am saying is that you ultimately can’t make them who you want them to be. All you can do is the best you can and cover them in prayer.
This “Out of Control” mom is thankful to serve a God who holds me in His hand. It’s easy to give up control to the one who is the creator and controller of the universe and loves me more than I can imagine. My life has not turned out as I had planned…it’s better.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Philippians 3:20-21 “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”
Thank you, Kelly, for sharing today! I think we all can relate a little bit to feeling out of control as a mom and if you can't yet - you will! (Sorry to ruin it for you ;) It's important to know, though, that you aren't the only one feeling that way. That's why I love this new feature! We all have a unique story but there may be parts of it that others can relate to. A community. That was the vision I had for this blog from the beginning. A community of moms who could lift each other up, be vulnerable, be real, be there for each other.
I love hearing your stories written with your own words! If you are interested in sharing your story with us, please let me know. I have guests lined up for the next couple of months, so you have time to think and pray about what you would share.
Have a beautiful weekend!!
1 comment:
Try 20 to 25 "out of control" 3 and 4 year olds in one room...for 10 hours a day...Monday through Friday. See how crazy you are then! And they are not even mine! (Hardest job of my life) Love, a preschool teacher.
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