This is not a new concept but it has really come alive to me recently. It's like I'm finally understanding something I've known all of my life. My brain doesn't always see the obvious right away and then when I do, it's like a huge revelation to me. So bear with me ...
Recently during one of the storms we've had, the sky was black. There were dark, angry clouds and the sun was not visible.
Then there was a break in the clouds and a ray of sunlight came bursting through. That was when I had my aha moment. I realized that the sun was still there doing what it does even when we can't see it. (duh) Instantly the analogy of God and the sun hit me. That is when it all became clear to me.
God is like the sun.
He is always there.
He is always shining brightly providing LIGHT and WARMTH and LIFE.
When we turn away from Him, we are in darkness. He is our LIGHT.
We can experience different seasons in our life.
When we are closer, we experience more LIGHT, more GROWTH, more LIFE.
When we are further away, there is less light, no growth, things are in a frozen state.
Troubles can drift into our life like clouds. The enemy can produce thick, black, ugly storms in our lives that let us lose sight of God and make us think He is not there.
But never fear, behind those clouds, HE IS THERE!
I've gone through some pretty bad storms over the years. Yet there were times when the clouds broke slightly and I felt God's LIGHT- God's LOVE and PROVIDENCE - shining through.
Giving me HOPE, letting me know that He is STILL THERE.
Even when I can't see Him, even when I choose NOT to see Him. He is ALWAYS THERE.
He wants to bring LIGHT to my world.
He wants to give me LIFE. Living things cannot grow and live without the sun and we cannot as Christians grow and have life without God.
I love that thought. I know that often I find myself thinking "God, where are you?" And yet all along, HE IS THERE.
I need to keep my eyes on Him and even through the storms, I will see Him breaking through the clouds, telling me "I'm still here. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you. There is not a storm out there that can defeat me. The storms come and go but I am CONSTANT. I am HERE for you. I want to give you NEW LIFE."
Come back tomorrow to hear about a time God broke through the clouds of a storm I went through. We serve an amazing God!
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