Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Hello!  Where have I been?  Well, life has been crazy these past couple months.

On August 31, I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, Asher - all 10 lbs 11 oz of him.  Ouch.  It was through much prayer that I made it through that experience and it has taken me a bit longer to recover after having him than the others.

But God is moving and shaking in my life and I feel like I am finally headed back to at least a little bit of my former self.  Praise the Lord!

Just 5 weeks after giving birth, my baby sister was married.  What a day that was!  The bride was beautiful.  I welcomed a new brother into our family.  Four of my five kids were in the wedding.  It really was a great time but I was just slightly stressed out.

That morning, I was feeling not so great about myself.  At 5 weeks postpartum, I felt fat, ugly, exhausted, hormonal, stressed, yuck.  All 3 of my sisters were in the wedding and obviously looking gorgeous and I could barely lift my head from the huge bags I was carrying under my eyes.

While getting ready in the 15 minutes I had left after helping the kids look their adorablest (yeah, I know it's not a word), I looked in the mirror at my pathetic self and just prayed.  To be honest, I started my prayer by asking God to help me look beautiful that day but I quickly changed it to "let others see the light of Jesus shining through me."  It was a simple prayer.

Throughout the day, I had various family members tell me I looked "beautiful" but I knew I looked like I had been hit by a truck.  I knew they were just being kind to the emotionally fragile, pathetic thing that I was.  It was ok.  I smiled and thanked them.

At the end of the night, my uncle came up to say goodbye to me.  He told me I looked beautiful or something similar, I don't really remember.  But then he told me something I will never forget.  He said "I see Jesus all over you."  I was touched simply because that was an amazing compliment.  It brought a tear to my eye.

It wasn't until a couple of days later that I remembered my prayer in the bathroom that morning.  (I know, give me a break.  I was so sleep deprived, I couldn't form a complete sentence most days.)  But when I was reminded of that prayer, it took my breath away.

God is so amazing!  He is so good to us.  I look back at the pictures from that day and see how truly "rough" I looked but if others saw the light of Jesus shining through me, then that is all that matters.  It's not about me, it's all about Him.

Why did I tell you this story?  I'm not sure.  I wasn't planning on telling anyone this precious nugget of a memory but God woke me in the middle of the night and encouraged me to share it.

I hope it encourages you.  I hope it tells you of God's goodness, His faithfulness, His love.  I hope it gives you ... Hope.  That is the word God is impressing on me so strongly this Christmas season.  Hope.

God loves you.  He thinks you're wonderful.  He wants to do amazing things in your life.  You don't need to be beautiful, talented, perfect.  You just need to be you.  He can use you right where you are.  Put your trust in Him and He will not let you down.

Be a light that shines for Him this Christmas season and all year!  This world is such a dark place.  They need to see the Light!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Playdate Rescheduled

Due to the record high temps they are predicting for tomorrow, we arerescheduling our playdate to Imagination Station to Friday, July 27 at 10:00 am.

Hope to see you Friday!

Stay Cool!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

When Something Isn't Quite Right

I feel like I've shared this on here before but I can't find the post, so maybe I didn't.  I know I've wanted to and thought about it many times.

It's not a big secret that my 5 year old son was in speech therapy this past school year.  This was a brand new experience for me as a parent.  I had no idea what to expect and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.

My son LOVED his speech teacher and going to speech.  It was never a struggle or an issue, thank goodness!

A year ago, according to his testing, he was at about 40% understandability.  His goal for the end of this year was to reach 65%.  When I met with his speech teacher and 4K teacher for his end of the year IEP (individualized education plan), he was at 80% understandability.

I have definitely noticed a big difference in his talking and I can understand him almost 100% of the time.  Life is so much less frustrating for him and me!

He still has a ways to go and will continue with speech therapy as he enters kindergarten this fall but he is doing so much better than he was.

I am so grateful for the fact that a family friend first alerted  me to his speech problem (I didn't even realize at first) and that I looked into it.  It is so easy to just say, Oh, he's fine.  He'll grow out of it.  There's nothing wrong with MY son.

I have to admit that that was my very first initial thought.  I am so glad I didn't let my pride get in the way of getting my son the help he truly needed.

I talked with his pediatrician who really didn't see the problem but it still nagged at me.  I then talked with his preschool teacher and she started the process of getting him tested.  It took a lot longer than I thought it would but overall it was pretty painless.

A little over a year after I discovered there was a problem, he finally was getting the help he needed.  I am so glad that I didn't put it off any longer.

Last night I read this post over at the Little Miss Momma  blog and it reminded me about sharing this with you all.  I love how honest and real and right on she was in this post about her son.

I also realized that there may be other moms out there dealing with this and possibly not even knowing it.  If you feel like something might not be quite right (developmentally, behaviorally, etc) with one of your kiddos or someone you know alerts you to a possible problem, get it checked out.  A lot of times, it will just be kids being kids.  Sometimes it's not, though.  There are so many programs and different kinds of therapists out there.

Waukesha county has a birth to three program that is free to all eligible children.

Since my son was older than 3 when we discovered his speech problem, we have dealt with the school district of Waukesha.

Don't be afraid to look into any kind of worries you may have about your kids.  
If there truly is a problem, you will be SO glad that you addressed it earlier rather than later.  
There is so much help available, take advantage of it if you need it. 

Your child is worth it and you'll be surprised at how much less frustrating life will become for both of you!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Anyone, Anyone?

Ok, I'm going to throw this out there ...

Does anyone want to plan the Monday, August 6 playdate?  Or should we skip it?

Let me know if you would like to organize this playdate.  
If I don't hear from anyone, we'll just plan on skipping it.

In September we will just have our Nurture playdate on the 24th.  
I will have my hands full with a squishy, sweet newborn. ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Do You Need a Break?

Just a reminder ~

What mom couldn't use a break from time to time?  
Join us for a relaxing Saturday morning Coffee Break!

Specialty coffee drinks will be available for purchase while you snack on delicious morning treats provided by  Nurture  and connect with moms in every stage of motherhood. 

We will be having our first Coffee Break 
THIS Saturday, July 14 from 9:30 - 11:30 am 
in the Higher Grounds cafe at Waukesha First Assembly.

We will have a barista to make the specialty coffee drinks from 9:30 - 10:00 am only.  House coffee will be available all morning.

ALL moms are welcome.  This is a mom-only event; no childcare will be provided.

Invite your friends to join you for a Coffee Break!

Hope to see you there!

Monday, July 9, 2012

July Nurture Playdate

We're going back!
Our July Nurture playdate will be on Monday, July 23 at 10:00 am.   
We will be meeting at Imagination Station park in Oconomowoc. Imagination Station is a universally accessible playground.  

You can find Imagination Station in Roosevelt Park,101 E. Forest Street, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066.  Roosevelt Park is located along the Lake Country Bike Trail. 

   " ... a universally accessible playground means that children of all abilities can play at their appropriate developmental level.  It is a playground where every child is challenged.  Therefore, it is not a playground only for children in wheelchairs, where ramps rule the playground, it is a playground where children with autism have opportunities for sensory experiences, typically developing children can use their imagination to create play scenarios, and where children with developmental delays can learn in incremental steps how to climb. 

Imagination Station does this: 

*There are double wide ramps that lead you up to the very top of the playground.  There are activities to do along the way so it isn’t a “ramp to no where”. 
*The surfacing is pour-in-place rubber surfacing that makes it easier  for a wheelchair to move around on, but also provides safety for children who are not steady on their feet. 
*There is a fence around the playground with only one entrance/exit, so that “runners” cannot get past mom. 

*There is band shell reminiscent of the band shell in town, where children can create play or sing a song.  There are percussion instruments to accompany the players. 
*There are adapted swings, typical swings and toddler swings. 
*The monkey bar area has multiple height bars as well as a variety of challenges.  A child in a wheelchair can lift up their arms and pull themselves across, while other children are doing flips on the bars. 
*In addition to the swings, there are plenty of other areas for children to experience vestibular motion (e.g. going around in circles, going up and down, or going back & forth.) 

*In addition the monkey bars there are plenty of opportunities for children to use their proprioceptive sensory system.  There is a huge rope climber that is fun for the little ones as well as for teenagers.  There is also a small climbing wall. 
*There are two different types of slides. 

*many areas for imaginary play with trains, boats, the clock tower, and beautiful streetscapes. 

*There are places to climb underneath the playground for children who need a little time to themselves 

Snacks will be provided. 
If you would like to help by bringing a package of snacks (goldfish, animal crackers, graham crackers, etc), please leave a comment on this post or email me at nurturewfa(at)hotmail(dot)com.

Please feel free to invite friends, neighbors, and relatives who may be interested in joining in the fun.

We hope you can join us for a fun time of play with our kids!

*For your added safety, please park in the spaces on the left closest to the playground. :)

**Our next Nurture playdate is Friday, August 17.  The playdate calendar dates will always be on the left sidebar of the Nurture blog so you can plan ahead.

Friday, July 6, 2012

My Life As a Mom of Twins

Today our guest blogger is Brooke.  She is a very busy mom of twins with another sweet baby arriving soon.  She is so sweet and patient and handles motherhood so well.  I am pleased to share her story with you.


My Life As a Mom of Twins
by Brooke

Hi! My name is Brooke and I have been married to Jeff, a wonderfully kind and patient man, for almost 7 years. Together we have twins, Lucy and Dexter, who will be 3 at the end of this month.

I would have to say that a typical day in our house is not “typical”. I never know what the twins mood will be, what they will choose to wear and what (or if) they will eat. Jeff likes to joke that they take turns “going off the deep end”. I'm not positive but I think that when he says that he's including me too. Oh, did I mention that we're expecting our 3rd baby in 6 weeks? At this moment, we are doing our best to make chaos work for us.

If I had the “perfect” planned life as I envisioned when I was younger, we would have had 1 boy, then a couple of years later had another. Assuming all was going well, we would have considered a third. Surprise! God didn't much agree with my plan. So, in December 2008, Jeff and I found out that we were going to be first-time parents to fraternal twins.

I dealt with the news pretty well, I think. I was excited and a little bit nervous but I figured we could handle it. People have twins all the time, right? I had a really uneventful pregnancy for carrying multiples. Of course, I was considered “high risk” and had many, many ultrasounds but, other than that, there were no out-of-the-ordinary issues. In July 2009 I gave birth to two full-term (37 ½ weeks) healthy babies via c-section. Lucy weighed in at 5lbs. 11oz. Dexter was 6lbs. 5oz. Neither needed to spend any time in the NICU and we were all able to go home 3 days later. PTL!

And then reality... The first week at home we had lots of visitors. Jeff was off of work and that meant lots of helping hands. The second week, my mom took vacation from work so that she could help me during the day while Jeff went back to work. The third week, I was all on my own during the day. That was when I started doubting that I actually could do this. I was recovering from surgery, still getting the hang of tandem breastfeeding and adjusting to being a new mom with two teeny babies and no one to help out except the dogs and cats. In case you're wondering, they weren't so helpful either. I was outnumbered. There would always be more of them than me!

I would say that the first 9 months were the toughest. I had quit my job to stay home with the kids full-time and I didn't know many other stay-at-home moms to have playdates with. So we didn't leave the house much. Just keeping sane through the winter was a challenge. Did you know that it's almost impossible to go anywhere by yourself with 2 infants? Oh, it can be done. Usually it's neither pleasant nor worth all of the effort in the end. I can think of a couple of times though when I had a successful outing to Target or the grocery store. Those times I felt like SuperMom with my double stroller, two car seats and ridiculously full diaper bag. In reality I probably looked more like a bag lady who hadn't slept in weeks and needed a good shower.

Time actually did start to go faster with Lucy and Dexter hitting all of the big milestones. It got a bit easier to go out once they started walking and interacting. At around 18 months we started to venture out more during the week. It was so fun to watch them learn to play with other kids and to see the differences (and also the similarities) develop in each of their personalities. I was making new friends and learning new things too!

Now, at almost 3, the twins are sometimes like little adults. They have opinions. They argue their point. They pout or throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. They test my boundaries, push my buttons and act like little mirrors when I mess up. They help me to practice patience and self-control on a daily basis. They also remind me that I need God's help because they still outnumber me.

People always tell me that God will only give you what you can handle. I don't believe that He gave me the twins because He knew I could handle it, though I found I could. I believe He gave them to me because He knew that I needed them to grow, personally and in my faith. People also like to tell me that twins are a blessing. Yes, as a mom of twins, I believe that is true. But what I've noticed is that those people don't have twins. :)

Thank you, Brooke!  Your kiddos are adorable and YOU are a blessing!  I can't wait to meet your newest addition when she arrives. :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July Celebrations

In case you are looking for some fun things to do tomorrow, here are some options:

July 4 Parade in Downtown Waukesha

The America the Beautiful parade begins at 11 a.m. leaving from Cutler Park. The parade will begin at the corner of Maple and Wisconsin Ave., travel west on Wisconsin Ave., turn right at West Ave., follow Main St. east, turn left on Buckley, then right on Baxter, finishing at the Schuetze Recreation Center, 1120 Baxter St. in Frame Park.
**A group from WFA is meeting in front of Allo Chocolate to watch the parade together.

Waukesha Fireworks Show

July 4, 2012, 7:15 pm

Waukesha County Expo, 1000 Northview RdWaukeshaWI |Get Directions » 

Bring your blankets and chairs and celebrate with the City of Waukesha’s 4th of July activities with the annual Fireworks Show at the Waukesha County Expo.
The grounds will open at 7:15 p.m. with the show beginning at approximately 9:30 p.m.
The show promises to be unique and of exceptional quality. It will consist of some high aerials along with low level effects.The show will be best viewed from the Waukesha County Fairgrounds.
Carry-in of alcoholic beverages or fireworks will not be allowed.
**Come celebrate Independence Day with WFA. The fairgrounds open at 7:15 p.m., and we would love to play games, hang out, and watch the fireworks together. Please bring lawn chairs, blankets, and snacks to share.

Other area celebrations:
Bayside: Bayside's parade begins at Bayside Midde School at 9 a.m., ending at Ellsworth Park with an ice cream social and Bayside's Best Dog Competition. More on the Bayside celebration. There will be no fireworks display in Bayside.
Brookfield (city): The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. on Gebhardt Road near Brookfield Central High School, turns north on Calhoun Road, west on North Avenue, south on Norhardt Drive, ending at Civic Drive. From 6 to 9 p.m. Family Fest will be held at Mitchell Park, with the band Our House, Heads Up Juggling and magician Glen Gerard. Also on tap: games, food and fireworks at about 9:15 p.m. More details
Brookfield (town): The parade starts at 9 a.m. at Elmbrook Church and runs east along Davidson Road and then south on Linden Lane, ending at Marx Park, 700 S. Barker Road. The parade is followed by activities for children.
Cudahy: Cudahy's fireworks will be at 4800 S. Lake Drive. The parade will start at noon on Lake Drive, and it will run from Grange to Armour Avenue. More on Cudahy's celebrations.
Fox Point: Fox Point festivities include the annual parade, which starts at the Fox Point Police Station. The annual softball game will also take place, featuring village residents against the Fox Point Police. Kids will have an opportunity to jump around in a bounce house, play with clowns, and get their faces painted. More on the Fox Point celebration. There will be no fireworks in Fox Point.
Greenfield: Greenfield will celebrate the holiday with daylong event at Konkel Park from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. That event will include live music, activities for all ages, plenty of food vendors and fireworks at dusk. The parade will begin at 12:15 p.m. and will feature former Green Bay Packers lineman Mark Tauscher as the honorary grand marshal and appearances by the UW Marching Band and Bucky Badger.
Greendale: Greendale's daylong celebration will kick off at 9 a.m. with Public Reading of the Declaration of Independence at Village Hall. The reading will be followed by the parade, including a separate children's parade.  The fireworks display will start at 9:15 p.m. The American Legion and Greendale Lions Club will be selling a number of food items July 2 through July 4. Click here for the complete schedule of Greendale's celebrations.
Muskego (JULY 3): The July 3 Muskego celebration will begin at 1 p.m. at Idle Isle Park, W182S6666 Hardtke Drive, opening with activities like a bungee run and rock climbing. A ski show will be held at 7:30 p.m., and fireworks (with a musical background) will begin around 9:15 p.m. More on the Muskego celebration.
Oak Creek: A parade starts at 9 a.m. at the corner of Groveland Drive and Shepard Avenue, and ends at the American Legion Post. The Legion Post will be the site of a daylong celebration featuring live music, food and more. Fireworks begin at 9 p.m. at East Middle School. More on Oak Creek's celebrations.
Hales Corners:  A "Community Bash" includes a children's parade, classic and antique car show, a pie contest and open houses throughout the village. Events are held at different locations, and fireworks will begin at dusk at Hales Corners Park, 5765 New Berlin Road. More on the Hales Corners celebration.
Menomonee Falls (JULY 3): The parade begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Appleton and Elm streets, ending at Menomonee Falls High School. Fireworks shot form the MFHS football field begin at dusk.More on the Menomonee Falls celebration.
Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant (JULY 3): Sturtevant's Fireworks Festival begins at 4 p.m. July 3 at Firemen's Park, off of Charles Street between 90th and Wisconsin streets. Admission is free, parking on the grounds is $5 and carry-ins are discouraged. The day is filled with family-friendly activities, culminating in fireworks at dusk. More on the Sturtevant celebration.
Pewaukee: The 4 p.m. parade starts at Pewaukee High School and proceeds to Village Park along West Wisconsin Avenue along the beach. Enjoy food on the lakefront starting at 1 p.m. at 213 W. Wisconsin Ave., with a 6:45 p.m. ski show and fireworks at dusk. More on the Pewaukee celebration.
Port Washington: A downtown parade begins at 11 a.m., followed by a picnic in Veteran's Memorial Park Park. At the park, after the parade, there will be a ceremony to recognize the armed forces, a bike decorating contest, a watermelon seed spitting contest and a children's play area with a bounce house and live music. The lakefront fireworks display will be shot at dusk near Grand Avenue and Franklin Street. More on the Port Washington celebration.
Racine: The 8:30 a.m. pre-parade starts at the intersections of Goold and Main Streets and runs south down Main Street through Downtown then turns west on 14th Street. The parade starts at 9 a.m. and travels the same route. This is an extremely popular parade, leave early to get a good seat. Fireworks can be viewed anywhere along the shores of Lake Michigan starting at dusk. More on Racine Fourth Fest celebration.
Saukville: The Saukville parade starts at 1 p.m. starts at Rebel Road and South Main Street. After the parade, there will be activities at Grady Park, and food and beverages as well as music will be available in the park until 5 p.m. Everything moves to Peninsula Park at 6 p.m. with more food and beverages as well as live music until fireworks at dusk. More on the Saukville celebration.
Shorewood: The 3:30 p.m. Shorewood parade kicks off at Oakland Avenue and Kensington Boulevard, ending at River Park, followed by free ice cream from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the park. Live entertainment in Atwater Park leading up to the fireworks at dusk will be provided by the Shorewood Concert Band and the Tweed Funk Band. More on the Shorewood celebration.
South Milwaukee: Fourth of July celebrations at Grant Park, 100 E. Hawthorne Ave., include a decorated bike parade, races and games for kids and free ice cream and caramel corn for children. Their fireworks display is set to begin around 9:30 p.m. More on the South Milwaukee celebration.
Sussex: The Fourth of July celebration in Sussex begins at 6 p.m. at Sussex Village Park with live entertainment from Rabid Aardvarks, a top 40s cover band. Fireworks will begin at dusk. More on the Sussex celebration.
Whitefish Bay: The 11:30 a.m. parade will step off at Silver Spirng Drive and Kent Avenue, finishing at Klode Park. Activities at the park include kids games, live entertainment and plenty of food vendors. Fireworks are at dusk. More on the Whitefish Bay celebration.

- source

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sweet And Salty Ice Cream Brownies

Looking for a yummy cold dessert during these hot days of summer?

Head over to the Nurture blog and check out this recipe!

So good!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Family-Friendly Fun - Freedom Fest 2012

Are you looking for some family-friendly fun this weekend?
New Life Assembly of God church in Janesville (2416 N Wright Rd) 
is hosting Freedom Fest this Saturday, June 30
The gates open at 11:00 am
 Everything is FREE except for food and souvenirs. You can also bring in your own food, if you'd like.

I checked out their website ( for more information:

"We are excited for our eleventh year of Freedom Fest at New Life Assembly of God. As always, Freedom Fest exists as a Christ-centered, family-friendly, alcohol-free, community event that is meant to bring glory to God and give honor to our country and those who serve and have served it.


Each year, we continue to offer a number of rides available to children of all ages. Our mechanical rides may be reserved for the older children, but we offer a number of inflatable rides for the younger ones, too!

There’s no waiting in lines to buy tickets for more rides; we skip that part and just say, “Get on and have fun… for free.” Particularly, we are excited about having bigger and better mechanical rides than we have ever had before. This year, we will have a bigger Ferris Wheel, Ali Baba, Tilt-A-Whirl, Cliff Hanger, Orient Express, and the Sizzler.


We have several local food vendors that will be on the grounds during Freedom Fest. You should be able to find anything you want from burgers and hot dogs, pizza and wings, to ice cream and cream puffs.

We are looking forward to our food vendors this year: Famous Dave’s, Rollin’ Pin, Sonrise Cafe, Pizza Hut, UBake, Culver’s, and more!


We are pleased that Mercy Health Systems will be helping to sponsor this event once again. If you are in need of a dental check up or medical screening, visit the free health clinic at Freedom Fest from 11:00AM to 3:00PM.


We are excited to announce that nationally-known recording artist Aaron Shust will be headlining this year’s Freedom Fest. In 2007, Aaron Shust won the GMA Dove Award for songwriter of the year and his song “My Savior My God” won song of the year. Currently, his song “My Hope Is In You” has been on the Billboard charts for the past 36 weeks, peaking at the number one position.

We are also excited for Mark Alan, out of Minneapolis, MN, as an opening act. In 2003, Mark Alan won the United Kingdom’s international songwriting competition for best gospel song. He is also the worship leader at Emmanuel Christian Center.

Be sure to make your way over to our main stage at some point to enjoy the great entertainment:
5:00pm – In This Room
6:30pm – Mark Alan
8:00pm – Aaron Shust
9:15pm – Pastor’s Address


At the end of the night, we have a wonderful fireworks display. After our last stage event, which will be about 9:30PM, the sky will light up on the north side of Highway 14 directly across from our property. So after you watch the stage acts, you can just stay put and be amazed! As we do each year, we strive to have bigger and better fireworks. Whether you have seen our fireworks before or this will be your first time, you are certainly in for a treat."

For more information and photos, check out

Looks like a fun time!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Swimming Playdate

On Friday, July 13 we will be having our swimming playdate party at my parents' house at 11:00 am.

The pool is above ground and has a slight dip in the center. They have a few life jackets but please feel free to bring your own if you have them.  We will also be setting up a small wading pool for the little ones who would be more comfortable in less water.

Bring a lunch along and we can picnic in the backyard!

Please let me know if you are coming or if you have any questions by leaving a comment to this post or emailing me. I will email my parents' address and directions to their house when I find out who is all coming. 

This should be a lot of fun as long as the weather cooperates!!

Hope you can come!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nurture Giveaway!

Last year in my Bible study group we read the book "Captivating" by John & Stasi Eldredge.  This book played a big part in my healing process last year and helped me to see how valuable I am in the eyes of God.

"Every woman in her heart of hearts longs to be romanced, to play an

 irreplaceable role in a greatadventure, and to unveil beauty.  And yet, women consistently exchange those dreams for a life filled with nothing more than duty and demands.  But Jesus Christ did not move heaven
and earth to make you tired.  He came to restore your heart as a woman, and to set you free through His love.

By revealing the core desires every woman shares, women are invited
to recover their feminine hearts, created in the image of an intimate and passionate God.  God placed these desires in women's hearts to help them discover who they are meant to be and the role that is theirs to play, and to draw them more deeply into His heart."

I have a copy of "Captivating" and the study guide that goes with it that we are giving away to one blessed woman on Monday, July 2!!

Your name will be included in the drawing for each of the following:

*sign up to be a follower of the Nurture blog on the left sidebar

*follow the Nurture blog by email by submitting your email address on the left

*follow @NurtureAtWFA on twitter 

Your name will be put in for each of the above requirements you fulfill with a total of 3 chances to win!  If you are already a follower, your name will automatically be put in the drawing.

The drawing will take place on Monday, July 2!  I'm so excited to see who wins this amazing book!

Invite your friends, neighbors, and relatives to be part of the fun and get in on this neat giveaway, too!

Monday, June 11, 2012

MY Life As a Mom Story

Hop on over to the Nurture blog to read my own My Life As a Mom story!

We are going to start posting My Life As a Mom stories twice a month over there as well and I am kicking it off with my own story first.

Let me know if you'd like to write one! :)

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's A Miracle!

I just have to share this.  This blog has been my chance to share my life and "journey" over the past year.  God has been doing some amazing things and I want to put it all down so 1) I don't forget and 2) I can share it all with you.

I am currently in my 5th pregnancy (if you didn't know).  The previous 3 pregnancies all ended up with the diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GD).

The first was pretty mild.  I was able to control it with my diet alone but I still had to poke my fingers and go to extra appointments.

The second time I had it was a little bit worse but I was able to take an "experimental" medication and control it with that along with my diet.  Adding the medication also added twice weekly non-stress tests on top of poking my poor little fingers.

The third time I had it was by far the worst.  I had to give myself insulin injections in my stomach twice a day along with poking my fingers and visiting the hospital so often I should have had my own parking spot.  It was the most miserable experience of my life.  I had to poke my fingers often all day long.  The injections went against everything inside of me each time I had to give myself one.  Sometimes, I wouldn't feel them; other times they stung like mad.  My dose had to constantly be adjusted (and upped).  My hormones and emotions were out of control.  What was even worse was that after my son was born, it took a very long time to go back to "normal" and wean off of the insulin.  Instead of being all better as soon as the baby was born, I was still dealing with the insanity for weeks after the birth.  It was horrible.

Naturally, when I became pregnant this time I was worried about going through all of that again ... or worse.  When I failed my first 1 hour glucose test at 8 weeks pregnant, I panicked.  I couldn't imagine starting that whole madness so soon.

Thankfully, God is good and I passed the 3 hour test.  I knew I still had one more test to go though. It was always at the back of my mind and worried me more than it should have.

At 24 weeks, I once again took the 1 hour test (I can't even tell you how many gallons of that orange "yuck" I've had to ingest in my life) and failed.  At that point, the nurse said I could just declare myself with GD since I've been down this road before.  I, however, told her I'd rather take the 3 hour test because I wasn't ready to give up the fight.

And fight I did.

I was in such a spiritual battle over this - for weeks, maybe months.  I knew that God is our healer.  I knew that He loves me and wants the best for me.  I knew that GD was nothing He couldn't overcome.  I was trying SO hard to hold on to that.  Then I would hear the annoying whispers and taunts from the enemy telling me I was already defeated and didn't have a chance.

I also struggled with asking God for too much.  I am the type of person that will only ask for the bare minimum of anyone.  I'll decide what I can put up with and then just ask for that.  I rarely go all out and ask for what would make me happiest.  I found myself doing that this time, too.  I would say "Ok, God, I can deal with GD but please don't make me have to go on insulin."  I was totally selling God short and willing to accept second best.  God doesn't want us to have second best, He wants THE BEST for us.

So I asked God for complete healing.  I went all out.

Before the second 1 hour test, I was fairly confident in God's healing power and plan for my life.  After failing that test, I started to let myself give up and give in.  I was experiencing a lot of the classic symptoms I had experienced in the past - mood swings, tiredness, I just felt plain awful.  I pretty much was convinced that I had GD again.  I was giving up, giving in, not trusting that God knew what was going on and had it covered.

This past Sunday, at the end of my rope, I finally gave it ALL over to God.  I told Him that I knew He could heal me and that even if He didn't, it was because He had other plans.  I was really moved during worship and knew no matter what, that I was in God's hands and He knew what was best for me.  I asked God for a miracle and then believed I would see one.  I guess I didn't know exactly what that miracle was going to be but I trusted that it was just what I needed.

After that, I was filled with such peace - a peace that truly passed understanding.  Considering my nature and how uptight I had been about this situation for over 20 weeks, it really was unbelievable that I felt such peace at this time.  I refused to think negatively at all.  I was standing on the promise that God was with me and that He wanted great things for me.  I wanted to be so bold as to say that I knew I was going to be just fine but knew that sometimes that is not what is really best.

I WAS confident in the fact that I KNEW I was in God's hands no matter what happened.

On Wednesday, I went in for my 3 hour test.  I felt such peace - except while drinking the orange "yuck," then I felt nauseous. :)  The 3 hours went fairly quickly.  I worked on my James Bible study workbook and it was probably the best thing to do during that time.  It was all about "considering it joy to go through trials" and "asking God and then not doubting it."  I still did not know what the outcome was going to be but I did know I was going to be ok.

At the end of the 3 hours, I felt amazingly great.  Typically at this point, I am shaking and starving with a headache.  This time I felt like I could take on the world.  I had no symptoms and felt super.  I went for an early birthday lunch with my mom afterward and gulped down my burger like a woman who hadn't eaten for nearly 20 hours but still felt great.  In fact, I felt uncharacteristically great for the rest of the day.  I had been battling daily headaches for weeks and still haven't had one even today.

I missed the nurse's call with the results and had to wait until this morning to hear them.  I still wasn't anxious.  Normally that would have driven me nuts.  I called back this morning and, of course, got her voice mail first. She called back soon after and told me my results.


My one hour level was slightly elevated but all 3 other levels were normal which means I am just fine.  I told the nurse that it was a miracle but I don't think she really understood where I was coming from and kind of laughed it off.  But it's true.  I really believe I experienced a miracle.

It was so overwhelming to me that I just burst into tears after I hung up the phone, humbled and grateful.  My husband was home and came into the room to find out what was going on.  I told him and he said "you're happy, right?  You aren't upset that you don't have it, are you?"  Oh, if only men could truly understand us women ...

I am happy.  I am overjoyed.  I am humbled.  I am in awe of God's goodness.  I feel free.

I really believe I was healed from GD.  Like I said, I had been experiencing symptoms for close to a month and yesterday I felt amazing.  Not one single symptom.  I just felt different.  Maybe I never had it and the symptoms I felt were just attacks from the enemy to make me doubt.  I don't know.

But I do know that I don't have GD and after having it 3 times before, it is miraculous.  Each pregnancy your chances increase and it typically gets worse each time as well.

I have experienced a miracle - and growth.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.         James 1:2-8