Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day Treats

Father's Day is this Sunday. I'm sure you were all aware of that fact; unlike Mother's Day which always seems to come as a shock to our men. ;)
Looking for a real manly treat to serve for Father's Day? Well, I've found a "cute" one for you. Once again, Family Fun has come up with another fun idea. I put the link to their website in the sidebar to the left.

Dress up a snack for Dad -- cheese and crackers in full Father's Day fashion.

Crackers (we used RyKrisp)
American cheese slices
Red or green bell pepper
Yellow mustard

*For each shirt, top a cracker with a rectangle of cheese.
*Next, cut shirt details, such as a collar, pocket, tie, or button seam, out of cheese, peppers, or pepperoni.
*Use thinly sliced scallions or dots of yellow mustard for buttons.
For a fun presentation, wrap Dad's treat in a small jewelry box lined with waxed paper.

So fun, right? Make 'em, enjoy 'em! Have a Happy Father's Day!

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