Wednesday, November 16, 2011

For Your Turkey Table

Thanksgiving is next week! Can you believe that?!

Thankfully, I do not have to host a Thanksgiving dinner at my house (thanks, Mom!), but in case you do, here are some cute decorations I found for your table. Click the link under the picture to go to the tutorial and/or print the pdf.

Happy Turkey Crafting!


With the busiest time of the year quickly approaching and a lot of my time being taken up with REFRESH 2012, if any of you would ever like to do a guest post, I would be so THANKful!!

This is such a fun time of year. You could share a favorite recipe you like to make (it does not have to be healthy-tasty ;) or a new one you've just found.

Maybe you are working on a fun, holiday craft and would like to share a tutorial with us.

Or you could share a favorite tradition that is special to your family.

It could be anything!

Don't let yourself think that you do not have anything to share or no one would be interested, because you do and we are!

Think about it. Let me know if you are interested!

I'm excited to hear from YOU!!

(PS Just like in school, if there are no volunteers, I will be calling (on) people. I always wanted to be a teacher ... ;)

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