Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Autumn Acorn Treats

The super talented baker of delicious things, Stephanie, is sharing a yummy tutorial with us today! She made the most adorable little treats for my kiddos last week and I asked if she would share with us how she made them. She said yes!


by Stephanie

I saw an image for these on Pinterest. By the way, have you checked out Pinterest? I haven't totally looked through exactly what it is and what it can do, but from what I gather it is something like an online "bulletin board." If you are anything like me, you either have an overwhelming collection of bookmarked websites or a folder of saved images but no way to trace them back to the original source. I think Pinterest is a place where you can collect images that inspire you but also keep a link back to where you found them. For now, I'll add Pinterest to my never ending list of bookmarked sites to check out more thoroughly one of these days.

These little acorns are so quick and easy!


Hershey Kisses (of any variety)
Chocolate Chips (for melting and topping off your acorn)
Nutter Butter Bites


Simply melt a handful of chocolate chips in the microwave, stirring often. Place a dot of melted chocolate on the flat part of the Hershey Kiss and place the Nutter Butter bite on top. Do the same to adhere a single chocolate chip on top of the Nutter Butter Bite and...voila! You have yourself the tastiest little acorn.



Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing this tasty little treat with us! I can't wait to make some!


Kelly Seelow said...

You know I love it Stephanie!!

Becky said...

I think I could eat about 400 of these... yum!