Friday, March 30, 2012

The Saving of Many Lives

I've had this on my heart this week and wanted to share it with you.

Do you have struggles in your life? Duh, who doesn't, right? My struggles may look nothing like your struggles but we all have SOMETHING.

I really believe God puts these things in our lives not only to help us grow but to help others as well. Who can relate to someone facing bankruptcy other than someone who has been there? Who can counsel a wife in a miserable, failing marriage better than someone who has gone through it? Who can cry with a woman in the midst of infertility other than someone who has felt that pain?

There are SO many things that we all struggle with daily. For the most part, they are different but you are not the only one to ever go through that struggle. Aren't there times when you think, "Gosh, I wish I had a mentor or someone who truly understood what I am struggling with?" For those of you who are blessed with such a person in your life, be thankful because they are few and hard to find.

It's not that there aren't women out there. There just aren't enough women out there willing (or maybe it's able) to share that part of their life.

I think for a while, we (as a society) went through a period where you just didn't talk about the hard things in life. You needed to keep up your perfect appearance and not "let anyone see you sweat." I still think we are a society that is struggling with that but I also see a break in this perfect facade. I think there are women willing to step out and talk about the hard things.

I think we are finally starting to come around and see that perfection is over-rated and SO not real. I think we are seeing the benefit to exposing ourselves and letting healing come, not only for ourselves but for others.

I know in my own life, I have really started to open up and share some of my struggles. It has been healing and hopefully in some small way, helpful to others. If I can let some other mom see that they are not alone in what they are dealing with and that there is someone else out there that knows, REALLY KNOWS how it feels, it is worth laying down my pride and sharing myself.

I would encourage you to think of your struggles as opportunities to minister to others. Obviously, you may be in the midst of it right now and thinking "Ha, I need to be ministered to right now; I can't even think about helping someone else." I get that. There will come a time though when the pain has lessened, maybe you have been victorious in overcoming this particular struggle, or you come to peace with your situation.

When that day comes, think about reaching out and helping someone just like you. You could make such a difference in the life of another.

I think of Joseph and his story. Man, he went through struggles. They weren't fun or enjoyable but God used those situations to put him in a position to help countless people.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20 NIV

Let's try to think of our struggles the same way. Give them over to God and pray that He would use them for His good to help others. Doesn't it all seem worth it then? It still stinks, but when you keep it at the back of your head that maybe, just maybe you are dealing with this so that you can help another woman someday, it doesn't seem so wasted, does it?

God will bring you through it. He has a plan for your future.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Let's be the generation that breaks the perfection cycle and starts the healing cycle! God doesn't want us perfect, He wants to see us healed.


Please know that you can come to me in confidence anytime you are facing a struggle and need prayer or a listening ear. You don't ever have to feel alone. I wish someone would have said that to me years ago ...

You are special. You are cared about. You are loved.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Great post girl!