Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Life As a Praying Mom

Before I introduce you to this month's guest blogger, let me write this disclaimer. I am forgetful these days. I forget everything, all the time. Ok, not everything but usually the most important things. I apologize if this ever affects you directly. I'm trying, but this thing called pregnancy brain is making me a very un-thoughtful person. I have to admit, I don't like it either. I try really hard to always consider the feelings of others and be a thoughtful person but I'm failing these days. I try to laugh about it but it annoys me and I hope I don't annoy you with my scatterbrainedness, too.

All that to say, I forgot to post Friday's My Life As a Mom post. It was totally my fault. Becky was awesome and got her post to me last Sunday - way ahead of time. I forgot to post it Friday and just realized it this afternoon. Oops!

I am happy to re-introduce my friend, Becky Boggio, to you as this month's guest blogger. She has written other posts for this blog in the past. She is a super mother and a really neat person. I am very glad I've gotten to know her better.


I have worked full-time for the majority of my children’s lives. The major chunk of their days have been with other people who mold them and teach them. I agonize about how can I protect them from these people who may not be teaching them God’s way, disappointments, “friends”? Most days I want to lock them up so nothing will hurt them.

When my son, Rocco, was a toddler and we would be shopping, he would sit in the cart and say Hi to everyone that we passed. It was incredible to me that some people would actually not respond to his cute little Hellos. I wanted to grab them by the collar and say “My son just said Hello to you, please have the common courtesy to reply!” Back then I wanted everyone to talk to him.

In Fall, he is heading to middle school. My supervisor told me that at her kids’ middle school/high school orientations they are told how drug deals happen right at the lunch tables. The option to home school seems so great right now and I haven’t even been to an orientation yet! How do I protect him from these situations?

When they were in daycare, we ensured that the center was meeting the state regulations, and that the teachers are nice. That went okay until Amy, my daughter, was about two. We ended up pulling her from her daycare because she was bitten over a dozen times by a child/other children in her class. We could never find out who it was, what discipline occurred due to privacy laws but we had to take action, the victim, to ensure it didn’t happen again. It didn’t seem right. We could remove her from this harmful situation but now I can’t protect her as she makes friends at school. I hurt for her as she has one girl in her grade who she adores and calls her best friend but from Amy’s reports this “friend” has done nothing to reciprocate Amy’s friendship with her. Every action I am told of is something a friend would not do. How do I protect her from these situations?

How do I protect them? I pray. I pray a lot. And then I wish I could pray some more. I have to leave up to God. That what we are teaching them at home, and what they learn in church is that God will always be there for them and is always there to guide them. Praise God He is always there. Praise God He protects us in all situations. And moms, we can pray for each other, right? Pray for wisdom and protection of all our children. God made us sisters through Him. And as the saying goes, it takes a village. I am here for you too. Ask my assistance if you need to or send specific prayer requests and consider it done! This is why Jamie created this blog. We don’t have to go it alone.


Thank you, Becky! Our kids need our prayers so desperately in this crazy world we live in. And I apologize for forgetting about your post on Friday. It'll never happen again ... Ok, it might, but I'll try real hard not to. ;)

If you are ever interested in writing your story for a My Life As a Mom post, please let me know.

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