Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

Today my sister, Kelly, has written a guest post for us just in time for Easter!


A couple of years ago, my sister in law Hope gave me this wonderful book along with a carton of plastic eggs. The book is called "Benjamin's Box" and the eggs are called Resurrection Eggs.

I think this is one of the best ways I've seen to explain the Easter story to your children.

It's the story of a little boy named Benjamin and his treasure box. Benjamin was given a box by his grandfather filled with nothing but straw, straw that came from a manger bed of a king named Jesus. Benjamin had heard that Jesus was coming into town and so he begins his journey.

As you turn each page, you and your child take a journey with Benjamin picking up treasures along the way to put into their own treasure box.

Each page of the book corresponds to a plastic egg. For example, during Benjamin's journey he hears a rumor that the priests have offered money for someone to betray Jesus. Benjamin warns one of the men following Jesus and the man tells Benjamin he will take care of it and hands him a denarius not to repeat it to anyone else. Benjamin thanks him and asks his name...his name is Judas Iscariot. Benjamin adds the coin to his treasure box.

You can start the book 12 days before Easter and read 1 page per day. You also open 1 egg each day allowing your child to place the item inside their own treasure box. {You can also do it all at once or make it part of an egg hunt }

By the time you reach the end of the story, the glorious resurrection of King Jesus, your child will have heard the entire story of Jesus' journey to Calvary. At the end of the book when your child turns the last page and its Benjamin praying and thanking God for sending Jesus, you open their last egg. Inside they see a picture of themselves and you can explain that Jesus did it all for them because He loves them so much.


Thank you, Kelly! This is such a great visual for kids to help them understand what Easter is really about.

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