Saturday, January 14, 2012

What I Ate

Well, how was your week? Are you back to your normal routine and eating with the holidays behind us? I hope it was an easy transition back for you.

I don't have much for you this week but I do have one tip for you.

**Before I continue, let me say I am not a Dr. (duh) or healthcare professional in the least. This is my opinion and I have NO scientific evidence to prove what I have to say.**

Now that that's out of the way - I find taking a vitamin D supplement really helps me. I think it boosts my metabolism and helps me lose weight faster. I don't know this for a fact but I'm pretty convinced. Besides that, vitamin D boosts your immune system, prevents things like diabetes and cancer, and helps beat the winter blahs. Living in Wisconsin, most of us do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D which is naturally given to us by the sun.

Check it out. Talk to your doctor. Don't do anything crazy but try seeing if a supplement helps you to feel better overall. And if it boosts your metabolism, all the better.

If you take too much vitamin D, you can make yourself sick. Be smart and be careful.

Have a super-Duper week!

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