Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Speak, Lord, We Are Listening

I have been consistently starting my day with a devotional, prayer, and quiet time like I talked about last week. It amazes me how, so much of the time, each devotional feels like it was written just for me. Do you experience this, too? I'm sure you do.

Isn't it SO awesome how God is able to speak to us? Even when we are dealing with things that no one else knows about, God knows. He cares about us and wants to help us through it.

God has used so many different things to speak to me throughout my life. I love how He is able to communicate with us even though we aren't able to audibly hear His voice. He uses the Bible, the tuggings and nudgings in our heart, and even that still, small voice we feel/hear within ourselves.

I know that I've heard from many people who say that they've never heard from God.

Be still.



Most likely, you will not hear an audible voice but pay attention to the things I listed above. I've even had what felt like bells or alarms ringing in my head as a "wake up and pay attention" kind of message.

I don't think God only speaks to certain "special" people. He speaks to us all. We just need to recognize that it is God speaking and trying to get our attention.

We also need to slow down and listen.

Sometimes, I am guilty of being busy and not hearing one of my kids when they are talking to me. I'm not ignoring them, I just truly don't hear them because I am thinking about other things and trying to rush around and accomplish my plans. They are talking but I just don't hear them.

It's the same thing with hearing God speak to us. He talks but we just don't hear Him because we are thinking about other things and trying to rush around and accomplish our plans.

I urge you to take time to listen. I know that it is hard in the world we live in today. There is not a lot of "quiet" time to be had but if nothing else, quiet your soul and think on the Lord. We don't need to be in actual quiet to hear Him.

Just be listening ...

God has SO much to tell us. He wants to help us through this crazy life. He WILL help us if we let Him.

The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”

Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10

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