Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Innocence and Paper Bag Curls

I am feeling so burdened today for our children's purity - especially our girls. We live in such a sin-filled world and our little girls are so innocent and pure. If only to keep them that way forever!  I consistently pray for my children's safety and physical protection but today I really felt impressed to pray for the protection of their purity and their hearts. My girls are 9 and 6 years old and getting closer to teens by the moment. As I dropped them off this morning and watched them walk into school (run actually - we were late ;), I really noticed how my 9 year old is maturing into a young lady and looked so cute with her paper bag curls. (More on that later.) I left the school praying over those girls. After school, my 6 year old handed me a note given to her from her friend - a boy. It was two notes actually and they both went something like this:  I love you. You are my girl. Over and over professing his love in kindergarten script. This led to
the question "You've never kissed a boy at school have you?" The guilty face revealed all. This same boy had kissed her - on the lips no less.  (Satan likes to mess with me.) This led to a big discussion on all of the things so heavily on my heart today.  What Satan means for evil, God will turn to good.
Now my eyes have really been opened to the fact that I need to add to those consistent prayers. I need to be praying for their innocence and purity. I know that this kindergarten romance is pretty innocent but there is going to come a time when it won't be so innocent and I want to nip it in the bud now.  I want to protect my children from as much of this corrupt world as I can for as long as I can. I've never hated those tabloid magazines at the checkout more than since my oldest daughter started reading.  Kids don't need such filth polluting their mind.
We are in a battle over our kids. Satan wants to destroy them and ruin their lives as early as he can. We need to diligently pray God's protection over their body and mind!
Also, I would encourage you to be in prayer already for your children's future spouses. Pray for protection of their purity and physical well-being. The choices they will make will impact your son or daughter some day. Scary stuff to think about, I know, but really worth praying about.

Now onto lighter subjects. I curled my daughter's hair over the weekend using a paper lunch bag. Crazy, huh? Because we've had so many people ask about it, I thought I would post it on here too. I saw this on YouTube, of course. ;) It worked really well and was super easy!  The true test will be on my younger daughter's hair.  Her hair doesn't take to curl well.  I may even try it with my hair - but I will need to use paper GROCERY bags with my hair. :-) Check it out!


1 comment:

Jamie said...

I curled my younger daughter's hair over the weekend and it worked!! Nothing else has ever worked on her before. I'm loving it. I am going to try it on my hair someday when I have time - ha!