Did you know you could help earn money for schools, at no expense to you? There is a program called Boxtops for Education that earns cash for schools. Cash that schools can use to buy equipment, supplies, and any other number of things that schools need to help educate our kids. I'm sure you've seen those little pink coupons on all sorts of packages like cereal, crackers, tubes of biscuits, Huggies diapers, and lots of other products. Each of those coupons are worth 10 cents and they add up fast once you start collecting them. I would urge you to start looking for them on the products you already buy and start saving them. Even if you do not have any school age kiddos, save them for family, friends, or neighbor kids that are in school. You could probably even drop them off at a neighborhood school. Then once your children are in school, you've already developed the habit of looking for and saving these pink coupons. Schools need all the help they can get and this is an absolutely free way to help out! It sure beats buying overpriced wrapping paper and tubs of cookie dough, doesn't it?
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