A little about me: I am a planner, an organizer, basically a choleric of great magnitude. Bottom line, I like being in control of the situation and I don't like change.
My children: I did not plan my children. God definitely knows what was best. His timing is perfect and I am reminded of that often. My children all have such different personalities and I know that is for a much bigger purpose.
Let me rewind a little. When Chris and I were dating and the topic of kids came up, he said he wanted 4 girls and I laughed that I WOULD NOT have more than 2 and if they were girls we would separate when they turned into teenagers. (Partly serious, but mainly joking).
So then, surprise! just before we celebrated our first year of marriage I found out I was pregnant. (Not part of my plan.) Jaydn was born and despite my horrific pregnancy, not planned c-section and 12+ pound baby, he was perfect. I used to say that if all my kids were like him (temperament), I would have a dozen kids. I did actually change my mind at this point about the number of kids that I wanted. It's funny how I went from wanting only 2 to 'Why not 3 or 4?'.
Keagn (number two) came later than I would have liked. Growing up in a family that is so spaced apart, I really over concerned myself with my kids being close together in age. I have to laugh at the fact that he is so like me, in so many ways.
Then came Ryley, this is where my life just didn't seem right. After he was born, I went into a period of life I refer to as my 'mommy crazies'. I had great regrets after he was born, like 'this child ruined my life.' I wondered why. God, why! Hindsight is so clear, I was a new mom of three kids, with a lot of changes that happened over that year. The biggest was that my work moved me back to a full time position, gave me brand new work to learn, all while I had a baby at home that would not sleep. Oh, and two other boys that craved attention. I was a walking zombie.
Unfortunately, it took me a while to get back to the realization that it was all in my head. I referred to that year as my year of just being crazy. I now am so thankful that I made it through that rough period of life. I also realize Ryley is such a blessing. He adds such a sense of gratitude that is great for our family.
The biggest struggle I have felt is that having kids has made me insecure. I never remember feeling that way, even as a teenager. Now it is as though I don't have control, because I am being scrutinized by people not just for me, but for the three little men that don't always do what I want them to do. That is hard for me.
With this new found insecurity is the struggle to let others in. That is where my new motto comes in to place. After an amazing time at the REFRESH 2012 event, I had a few great reminders.
First, I am not alone in my struggles. Even though my circumstances in life are not necessarily the same as yours, as moms we share a load in life that is much easier if shared with others.
Second, it is not my job to make sure my kids are perfect, but rather to be the best example to them of how to live, and PRAY for them. God has entrusted them to me, but they are not mine, they are His.
Lastly, don't be afraid to reach out to other moms. I was so afraid to admit I needed others and shut people out, when I needed them most. We need friendships with each other! What better gift to pass along to our children than the example of great friendships.
Thank you, Juliann! These are great reminders for us all. We are not alone. Isn't it great that we have each other in this crazy adventure? :)
I love this post, can totally relate to the insecurity that comes in people judging not only me but my kids too.
I loved this post Juliann and hope to get to know you better. I too struggle with judgments from other people about my kids, like if they don't wipe their mouths during school lunch the teachers/aides will think their mother doesn't teach them manners. Like their actions are a reflection of me.
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