Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Love Your Daughters

Moms, I want to encourage you today to love your daughters. How we treat our daughters not only affects them now but for their whole life. 

Tell your daughter she is beautiful - often. Let her know that you think she is beautiful and amazing. She will then start to think it of herself. If YOU don't let her know, she will seek out someone else (anyone else) who will tell her. Encourage her beauty by being a good example of beauty yourself - both inside and out. Show her how to be beautiful. The world tries to show girls how to be beautiful. Don't let the world be her teacher. Teach her your beauty "secrets" and help her feel comfortable in her own skin. 

Be intentional. In Stasi Eldredge's new book "Becoming Myself," she says that 
"Father bestows identity. 
Mother bestows self-worth." (concerning dayghters p. 69) Whoa, that is a huge responsibility to have. Our self-worth determines who and what we become; how we feel about ourselves (and think others feel about us). Our daughters need a healthy sense of self-worth. An inner confidence, not an arrogant "I'm better than you are" attitude, but a gentle spirit that knows she is equal to everyone else but puts others before herself in Christ-like humility. Be intentional in guiding her to this. Don't just cross your fingers and wish for the best. Make sure your daughter knows she is special, loved, beautiful, and amazing. Do things to protect her fragile heart. Compliment her special qualities and teach her humility in dealing with others. God gave her these gifts to further His kingdom, not to give her a big head. Gently remind her of that when you need to. 

Listen to your daughter's dreams.   All things are possible with God and if He gave her a dream, He will move mountains to help her attain it - and you, too! {It's not too late to see your dreams come true. Pray and ask God to help you fulfill your dreams in accordance with His will. I'm pretty sure God is the one who put your dreams in you, so there must be a reason for them.} Don't hold your daughters back but build them up and encourage them to soar. Dream right along with her and pray God's will over her life. 

Don't be in competition with your daughter. That is an ugly road to go down. Not only will you keep your daughter down (in order to keep yourself above her) but she will grow to resent you and your relationship will suffer. Be her cheerleader. Encourage her to be everything God wants her to be. She is not your competition but rather an extension of who you are. God entrusted her to you, don't stifle her heart but do all you can to make it flourish. 

Love your daughters, encourage and nourish her beauty, listen to her dreams, pray God's will over her life, support her in her endeavors. A daughter is a precious treasure entrusted to you - value her, protect her, take great care in handling her. Your investment will not only give you great joy but will impact generations and possibly the whole world. 

* God put this message on my heart today. When I saw this picture on Instagram, I knew I needed to share it.
I hope it challenges you as much as it challenged me. :)

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