Saturday, July 24, 2010

August Playdate

Hello, are you still there? This summer is going fast . . . My kiddos are keeping me very busy and trying to drive me crazy. :)

Our July playdate was a hot day in the park. There were 4 moms and 9 kids!! It was a fun time.

Our August playdate will be on August 20th at 10:00 am at my parents pool!! The pool is above ground and has a slight dip in the center. They have a few life jackets and baby boats but please feel free to bring your own if you have them. Also, bring a lunch along and we can picnic in the backyard. Let me know if you have questions. I will email my parents address and directions to their house when I find out whose coming. This should be a lot of fun as long as the weather cooperates!

Hope you can come!


Aimee said...

cullen and i will be there! we can't wait :)

Aimee said...

cullen and i will be there!

Lisa Berg said...

We will be there (either 1 child or 2- not sure) :) Fun!

Aileen said...

We should be there.

sarah said...

Plan on coming too! If anyone has an extra baby floatie or life jacket, can I use it?