Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome to "The Mommy Years"

I am very excited to introduce you to my new blog. I want you to feel at home here. Whether you are a seasoned mom or a newbie, we are all in this together. We all share one thing - we have the hardest, most rewarding job on earth. We are mommies!

I'm hoping this will be a place you can come to for a laugh, words of encouragement, or whatever else you may need during these trying and exciting years. I am not an expert or a perfect mommy. But I am seasoned and have been through a lot of different things with my 4 kids. I hope together we can create a beautiful place to hang out even when we can't physically be together. Sometimes being a mommy is a lonely job - especially when we have babies who don't talk yet or toddlers who sass back. I know all of you new mommies shudder to think of that day but it's coming. My 3 year old son's favorite new word is "duh". Wait, is that a word? Well, word or not, he says it and says it often. I am constantly telling him that it is not nice to say "duh" to our mommies. So now he just says it real quiet under his breath. We're working on it.

So needless to say, I need some nice, adult conversation from time to time.

I think this will be a lot of fun and hopefully we will learn a lot from each other, too.

This is all new to me so bear with me and comment often so I don't feel like this is a one sided conversation. :)

Now go kiss your kiddos!

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